Basic lua: Index

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 03:27, 24 August 2014 by AFRLme (talk)

A'llo & welcome to AFRLme's guide to lua script; for code dummies & monkeys alike. Here, I will be explaining the general basic fundamentals of lua script, along with examples & images. If you are wanting to learn how to use lua script in combination with Visionaire Studio, then you need to check out the scripting, data structure, player commands, common commands & script index pages.

Before we begin, if you have not already done so, then you will need a text editor capable of compiling lua script. Please follow the instructions below, else skip to the index list & have fun learning.


# Contents Description
0 Index This page...
1 Operators Lua operators are expressions used to perform calculations or to pass arguments between different value types.
2 Types Lua types can range from numbers, to strings, to tables, to conditions & even functions.


1. You need to download a suitable text editor capable of compiling lua script. I use Sublime Text.
2a. If you decided to use Sublime Text then you will need to create a build script for lua, as it doesn't come with one.
2b. Open up Sublime Text & go to: Tools > Build System > New Build System...
2c. A new tab should open up titled untitled.sublime-build.
2d. Replace the code that is already in the tab with... (taken from lua.sublime-build by Rory Driscoll)

"cmd": ["lua", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^lua: (...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.lua"

2e. Save the document as lua.sublime-build
3. Set the build system to lua by going to: Tools > Build System > lua.
4. Voila you can now use ctrl+B to run your scripts. (documents must be saved with .lua extension before scripts can be compiled)