Displayed Text

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 23:54, 26 August 2013 by AFRLme (talk)

Displayed text is the text spoken by a character or narration text which is not spoken by a character & can be positioned wherever you like on the screen.

Let's have a look at the "Display text" action part first which is found inside of the "Character" action part area. By default character spoken text appears above the text owner (character who the displayed text is linked to) & is aligned via the "text alignment" drop down menu found inside of the "game" properties tab. Having said that we can in fact set a custom position (absolute) via Lua Script with the "VTextPosition" data structure command & the registerHookFunction; see further down the page for an example.

The "Display speaker text" action part however is more geared towards narration & can be positioned on the screen wherever you like.

Displayed text supports various delay methods for setting the amount of time the text should be displayed.

Wait until left mouse button is clicked to continue <p>
Continue after 2500 milliseconds (ms) <p2500ms>
Continue after 2.5 seconds (s) <p2.5s>
Wait until linked speech file has finished playing <pa>

You need to be careful that when you are using the first example <p> that you do not hide the mouse cursor 
beforehand as hide cursor action part disables all key inputs & commands until the cursor is shown; thus
your game will end up stuck on the displayed text --]]