Difference between revisions of "Kill Background Text (CMS)"

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! style="text-align:left" | Name !! style="text-align:left" | Type !! style="text-align:left" | By
! style="text-align:left" | Name !! style="text-align:left" | Type !! style="text-align:left" | By
| Kill Background Text (character) || Definition || AFRLme
| Kill Background Text (multiple options) || Definition || AFRLme

Revision as of 15:12, 30 March 2014

Name Type By
Kill Background Text (multiple options) Definition AFRLme

This script allows you to call a function which kills the active displayed text (background) of the current character, or all characters.

Additional Info

In regards to the alternative script...
I initially tried adding each text into the txt["char"] table. This would have displayed something like: "text (24,1)", but once the text is no longer active, it ends up being displayed as "-- empty --", which meant I could not select the text & remove it from the table; hence the reason why we are running the getBool(VTextActive) on each table entry - if it returns true then it will set the text to inactive.
Additionally I have decided to loop through the table in reverse, on the assumption that the most recent text entries are more likely to be active, as opposed to the earlier entries.
the table should be cleared every so often to reduce the workload of the loop iterator.


1. Select which script you want to use. 2. Add the main script to the Visionaire Studio Script Editor & set the script as a definition script.
3a. To kill all currently active background texts: create an execute a script action containing...


3b. To kill all currently active character based background texts: create an execute a script action containing...


3c. To kill currently active background text of current character: create an execute a script action containing...


Main Script

Kill background text (multiple options) [v3] (30/02/2014)
Written by AFRLme [Lee Clarke]
-- + --
alternatingfrequencies@hotmail.com | skype @ AFRLme
-- + --
This script is donation optional. In game credit is non-negotiable.
You are free to: ¹ use it in your game(s). ² modify the script.
Do not remove - or edit - this comment block.

-- * tables * --
txt = {} -- create table
txt["_temporary_"] = "" -- set table as temporary

-- * function which kills active background text (1 = all, 2 =  all characters, 3 = current character) * --
function killText(val)
 for i = table.maxn(txt), 1, -1 do 
  if val == 1 and txt[i]:getBool(VTextActive) then txt[i]:setValue(VTextActive, false) -- all background text
  elseif val == 2 and txt[i]:getBool(VTextActive) and txt[i]:getLink(VTextOwner):getId().tableId == eCharacters then txt[i]:setValue(VTextActive, false) -- all character background text
  elseif val == 3 and txt[i]:getBool(VTextActive) and txt[i]:getLink(VTextOwner):getName() == game:getLink(VGameCurrentCharacter):getName() then txt[i]:setValue(VTextActive, false); break -- current character background text

-- * on text display function * --
function hText(text)
 if text:getBool(VTextBackground) then table.insert(txt, text) end
 -- * --
 return false -- prevent text from being repositioned

-- * function for text finished * --
function eText(text)
 for i = table.maxn(txt), 1, -1 do if not txt[i]:getBool(VTextActive) then table.remove(txt, i) end end -- if text is inactive, remove from txt table

-- * event handlers * --
registerHookFunction("setTextPosition", "hText") -- event handler for displayed text
registerEventHandler("textStopped", "eText") -- event handler for finished text