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Revision as of 21:27, 30 September 2014 by Vis apiuser (talk)
Available since: v3.6
Registers an event handler function for a specific event.
Lua Syntax:
registerEventHandler(event, eventHandler [, eventFlags])
- "string" - The event which triggers the event handler to be called. Currently supported events: "mainLoop", "mouseEvent", "keyEvent", "animationStarted", "animationStopped", "textStarted", "textStopped".
- "string" - The name of the lua function which is called when the event occurs.
- The function for the events "animationStarted", "animationStopped", "textStarted" and "textStopped" should take exactly one argument which is the affected visionaire object.
- There are no arguments for the "mainLoop" event handler.
- The function for "mouseEvent" takes two arguments, the first one is the mouse event (see "eventFlags" parameter) and the second argument is the current mouse position (a table containing x- and y-position).
- The function for "keyEvent" takes four arguments: eventType, character, keycode and modifiers. Return value must be true or false. If the function returns true, the key event will not be handled by the engine.
- eventType: eEvtKeyDown (key pressed, can be fired multiple times for pressed key), eEvtKeyTextInput (text input, can be fired multiple times for pressed key) and eEvtKeyUp (key released, only fired once).
- character: current text input of pressed key(s). This parameter only contains printable characters.
- keycode: virtual keycode, only valid for eEvtKeyDown and eEvtKeyUp events. Can be used to query special keys like Esc or Shift.
- modifiers: currently active key modifiers (e.g. Ctrl, Shift).
- {int,...} - Can only be specified for "mouseEvent": a list of mouse events where the event handler is called.
- Currently the following mouse events are supported: eEvtMouseMove, eEvtMouseLeftButtonDoubleClick, eEvtMouseLeftButtonDown, eEvtMouseLeftButtonUp, eEvtMouseLeftButtonHold, eEvtMouseLeftButtonHolding, eEvtMouseRightButtonDoubleClick, eEvtMouseRightButtonDown, eEvtMouseRightButtonUp, eEvtMouseMiddleButtonDown, eEvtMouseMiddleButtonUp, eEvtMouseWheelUp and eEvtMouseWheelDown. If no mouse event is specified then the event handler is registered for all mouse events.
Return Values
Example 1: mainLoop
function onMainLoop()
-- do something
registerEventHandler("mainLoop", "onMainLoop")
Example 2: mouseEvent
function onMouseEvent(eventType, mousePosition)
if eventType == eEvtMouseWheelUp or eventType == eEvtMouseWheelDown then
-- mouse wheel was activated, do something
registerEventHandler("mouseEvent", "onMouseEvent", {eEvtMouseMove, eEvtMouseLeftButtonDoubleClick, eEvtMouseLeftButtonDown, eEvtMouseLeftButtonUp, eEvtMouseLeftButtonHold, eEvtMouseLeftButtonHolding, eEvtMouseRightButtonDoubleClick, eEvtMouseRightButtonDown, eEvtMouseRightButtonUp, eEvtMouseMiddleButtonDown, eEvtMouseMiddleButtonUp, eEvtMouseWheelUp, eEvtMouseWheelDown})
Example 3: keyEvent
function keyboardHandler(eventType, character, keycode, modifiers)
if eventType==eEvtKeyUp then
print('key up: ' .. keycode)
-- test for '0' with character parameter
if character == '0' then print('0 released') end
-- another option to test '0' key
if keycode == 48 then print('0 released') end
elseif eventType==eEvtKeyDown then
print('key down: ' .. keycode)
elseif eventType==eEvtKeyTextInput then
-- this will also show more 'complex' unicode characters when multiple keys are used to generate a single character (e.g. Chinese characters)
print('input: ' .. character)
if keycode == eKeyEscape then
-- event will not be handled by engine. this means that also cutscenes can't be skipped with Escape key
return true
return false -- key event will also be handled by engine
registerEventHandler("keyEvent", "keyboardHandler")