From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Command History
Available since v3.7
system_language property added to v3.8
Return the requested property.
Example 1: "platform"
-- if platform equals windows then do some action else if mac do some other action!
if getProperty("platform") == "win" then
getObject("Conditions[win?]"):setValue(VConditionValue, true)
elseif getProperty("platform") == "mac" then
getObject("Conditions[mac?]"):setValue(VConditionValue, true)
Example 2: "steam_initialized"
-- let's check if steam has initialized & set a value based on return value!
local steamLoaded == getProperty("steam_initialized")
steamStatus = 0 -- by default the steam status should be set as unloaded!
if steamLoaded then
steamStatus = 1 -- we will use "1" for: has successfully loaded status!
steamStatus = 0 -- we will use "0" for: has not successfully loaded status!
Example 3: "system_language" (I'm not sure if this example is correct without testing!)
-- let's check the current users operating system language & store it in a variable!
local sysLang == getProperty("system_language")
if sysLang == "English" then
Game.GameStandardLanguage:setValue(VValueString, "English")
elseif sysLang == "German" then
Game.GameStandardLnaguage:setValue(VValueString, "Deutsch")
property: "string"
- "platform" (returns "win" or "mac" depending on users operating system)
- "steam_initialized" (true/false depending if the steam_api is successfully loaded & client is connected)
- "system_language" (returns users system language in english; english, german, spanish etc)
Flags: none
Return: property
requested property value