Prevent Video and Cutscene Skipping (h2)
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Prevent Skipping of Videos/Cutscenes | AFRLme |
This tutorial shows you how to prevent the player from being able to skip videos &/or cutscenes. Visionaire Studio 4.1+ is required for this to work.
Preventing skipping of videos &/or cutscenes is actually very simple. All you need is 1 condition & an event handler that listens out for the ESC key. So let's begin...
You should start off by creating a condition somewhere & naming it cond_skip_cv & set it to false by default if you want to prevent players from being allowed to skip videos on game start; else set condition to true.
Next you need to create a definition script containing a registerEventHandler for keyEvents - if you don't already have one. Quick note: you are only allowed one registerEventHandler type per game - the only exception to this rule is the mainLoop handler.
Here is an example of the key event handler...
function keyboardHandler(eventType, character, keycode, modifiers)
if eventType==eEvtKeyUp then
print('key up: ' .. keycode)
-- test for '0' with character parameter
if character == '0' then print('0 released') end
-- another option to test '0' key
if keycode == 48 then print('0 released') end
elseif eventType==eEvtKeyDown then
print('key down: ' .. keycode)
elseif eventType==eEvtKeyTextInput then
-- this will also show more 'complex' unicode characters when multiple keys are used to generate a single character (e.g. Chinese characters)
print('input: ' .. character)
if keycode == eKeyEscape then
-- event will not be handled by engine. this means that also cutscenes can't be skipped with Escape key
return true
return false -- key event will also be handled by engine
registerEventHandler("keyEvent", "keyboardHandler")
You need to add this line to your keyEvent handler...
if Conditions["cond_skip_cv"].ConditionValue == false and keycode == eKeyEscape then return true end
...It tells the keyEvent handler to ignore the escape key if condition cond_skip_cv returns false.
So what you might end up with is something like...
function keyboardHandler(eventType, character, keycode, modifiers)
if Conditions["cond_skip_cv"].ConditionValue == false and keycode == eKeyEscape then return true end
return false
registerEventHandler("keyEvent", "keyboardHandler")
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