Actionparts Documentation

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 20:59, 3 December 2013 by David Stoffel (talk)

All available actionparts are listed here. Each actionpart is stored as one object in the ActionPart table of the Visionaire Data Structure. The 'constant number' is the number which is stored in the field ActionPartCommand and defines the actionpart. Each actionpart can have a maximum of two links, three numbers and one file path. This document shows which fields are used for which actionpart. If there is a link to a scene or a character (in ActionPartLink or ActionPartAltLink) and the link is empty then the current scene/character is used.

Constant number/name
'5': [Actionparts#Else ELSE] - - - - - -
'6': [Actionparts#End_if ENDIF] - - - - - -
'10': [Actionparts#Change_scene CHANGE_SCENE] object character -

'1': fade into new scene
'0' no fade effect

direction (degrees) the character is looking on the new scene
'-1': character is looking in opposite direction of object

'12': [Actionparts#Change_character CHANGE_CHARACTER] character - - '1': fade into new scene, '0' no fade effect (if character is on another scene) - -
'13': [Actionparts#Start_dialog START_DIALOG] dialog - - - - -
'14': [Actionparts#Stop_current_dialog STOP_DIALOG] - - - - - -
'16': [Actionparts#Quit_current_action EXIT_ACTION] action - - - - - -
'19': [Actionparts#Show_hide_animation SHOW_HIDE_ANIMATION] animation - -

'0': show animation
'1': hide animation

'1': play animation in reverse direction
else play in normal direction

'0': proceed immediately with next action part.
'1': wait until animation is finished before processing next action part.

'22': [Actionparts#Wait_until_animation_is_finished WAITON_ANIMATION] animation - - - - -
'23': [Actionparts#Display_text SHOW_TEXT] text character -

'0': foreground text
'1': background text

- - -
'24': [Actionparts#Play_sound PLAY_SOUND] - - sound file volume (between '0' and '100') balance (between '-100' and '100')

'0': sound must be stopped manually
'1': sound will be stopped automatically if scene is changed

'30': [Actionparts#Pause MAKE_PAUSE] value - - delay (msec) unit:

'0': milliseconds
'1': seconds
'2': minutes

'31': [Actionparts#Send_character_to_object CHARACTER_GOTO] character object - '0': proceed immediately with next action part.

'1': wait until character reaches object before processing next action part.

- -
'32': [Actionparts#Wait_until_character_stops WAITON_CHARACTER] character - - - - -
'45': [Actionparts#Set_command SET_COMMAND] button (command) - - - - -
'46': [Actionparts#Show_scene SHOW_SCENE] scene - -

'1': fade into new scene
'0' no fade effect

- -
'47': [Actionparts#Send_character_to_position CHARACTER_GOTO_XY] character - - x-coordinate of point y-coordinate of point '0': proceed immediately with next action part.

'1': wait until character reaches position before processing next action part.

'48': [Actionparts#Scroll_scene_to_object SCROLL_SCENE] object - - - - - -
'49': [Actionparts#Scroll_scene_to_position SCROLL_SCENE_XY] - - - x-coordinate of point y-coordinate of point - -
'50': [Actionparts#Set_character_to_an_object SET_CHARACTER_TO_OBJECT] character object - direction (degrees) the character is looking

'-1': character looks in direction of object

- -
'51': [Actionparts#Change_outfit_of_a_character CHANGE_OUTFIT] outfit - - '0': unload animations of old outfit

'1': do not unload animations of old outfit

- -
'52': [Actionparts#Change_comment-set_of_a_character CHANGE_COMMENTSET] commentset - - - - -
'53': [Actionparts#Change_language CHANGE_LANGUAGE] language - - - - -
'54': [Actionparts#Show.2FHide_person SHOW_CHARACTER] character - -

'1': fade into new scene
'0' no fade effect

- -
'55': [Actionparts#Quit_game QUIT_GAME] - - - - - -
'56': [Actionparts#Show.2FHide_Interface SHOW_HIDE_INTERFACE] interfaceclass - -

'0': show
'1': hide
'2': change

- - -
DEPRECATED - '56': [Actionparts#Show.2FHide_Interface SHOW_HIDE_INTERFACE] interface - - number of active interface of current character which is shown/hidden (only used if ActionPartLink is not set)

'0': show
'1': hide
'2': change

- -
'58': [Actionparts#Align_character ALIGN_CHARACTER] character - - direction (degrees) - -
'59': [Actionparts#Change_background_music SET_MUSIC] scene - music file volume (between '0' and '100') balance (between '-100' and '100') -
'60': [Actionparts#Center_scene_on_character_permanently SET_SCROLLCHARCTER] character - -

'0': center character
'1': do not center character

- -
'66': [Actionparts#Play_video PLAY_VIDEO] - - movie file

'0': play movie centered
'1': scale movie to fullscreen

'0': all sounds are paused and only continued after the action which started the video is interupted (finished or paused, etc.) -> if a new scene is shown immediately after the video the active sounds started before the video are removed.
'1': pause all active sounds and continue them after video
'2': stop all active sounds

'69': [Actionparts#If_value_then IF_VALUE] value value (optional) -

'0': ==
'1': !=
'2': <=
'3': <
'4': >=
'5': >

number (only used if ActionPartAltLink is empty) -
'70': [Actionparts#Set_value SET_VALUE] value value (optional) -

'0': =
'1': +=
'2': -=
'3': *=
'4': /=

number (only used if ActionPartAltLink is empty) -
'71': [Actionparts#Show_speaker_text SHOW_TEXT_XY] text font - x-coordinate y-coordinate

'0': foreground text
'1': background text

'72': [Actionparts#Play_and_loop_sound_infinitely PLAY_LOOPED_SOUND] - - sound file volume (between '0' and '100') balance (between '-100' and '100')

'0': sound must be stopped manually
'1': sound will be stopped automatically if scene is changed

'73': [Actionparts#Stop_currently_playing_sound STOP_SOUND] - - sound file - - -
'77': [Actionparts#Change_settings_of_a_currently_playing_sound CHANGE_SOUND_SETTINGS] - - sound file volume (between '0' and '100') balance (between '-100' and '100') -
'78': [Actionparts#Jump_to_action_part GOTO] - - -

'0': jump relative
else jump absolute

jump to -
'79': [Actionparts#If_character_is_current_character_then IF_CHARACTER] character - - - - -
'80': [Actionparts#Remove_all_items_from_inventory REMOVE_ALL_ITEMS_FROM_CHARACTER] character - - - - -
'81': [Actionparts#Transfer_all_items_to_other_character GIVE_ALL_ITEMS_TO] character (from) character (to) - - - -
'82': [Actionparts#Change_character_speed SET_CHARACTERSPEED] character - - speed - -
'83': [Actionparts#Set_random_value SET_RANDOM_VALUE] value - - from to -
'84': [Actionparts#If_character_is_on_scene_then IF_CHARACTER_ON_SCENE] character scene - - - -
'85': [Actionparts#Chase_character FOLLOW_CHARACTER] character action -

'0': chase current character
'1': current character is chasing

reach distance -
'86': [Actionparts#Stop_chase STOP_FOLLOW] character - - - - -
'87': [Actionparts#Stop_character STOP_CHARACTER] character - - - - -
'88': [Actionparts#Change_walking_sound CHANGE_WALKINGSOUND] character - sound file - - -
'89': [Actionparts#Change_font_of_a_character CHANGE_FONT] font character - - - -
'90': [Actionparts#Change_the_interface_of_a_Character CHANGE_INTERFACE] interface to set - - - - -
DEPRECATED - '90': [Actionparts#Change_the_interface_of_a_Character CHANGE_INTERFACE] interface to set interface to replace - number of active interface of current character which is replaced (only used if ActionPartAltLink is not set) - -
'92': [Actionparts#If_language_is_current_language_then IF_LANGUAGE] language - - - - -
'94': [Actionparts#Set_cursor SET_CURSOR] cursor - - - - -
'95': [Actionparts#If_command_is_current_command_then IF_COMMAND] button (command) - - - - -
'98': [Actionparts#Show.2FHide_person HIDE_CHARACTER] character - -

'1': hide
'0': show

- -
'99': [Actionparts#Save_object SAVE_OBJECT] - - - - - -
'100': [Actionparts#Execute_command_on_saved_object EXEC_SAVEDOBJECT] - - - - - -
'103': [Actionparts#If_current_object..._then IF_CURRENT_OBJECT] - - -

'0': exists
'1': not exists
'2': scene object
'3': item
'4': character

- -
'105': [Actionparts#Set_active.2Finactive_sprite SET_ACTIVE_SPRITE] button - -

'0': inactive sprite
'1': active sprite

- -
'106': [Actionparts#Clear_saved_object CLEAR_SAVEDOBJECT] - - - - - -
'107': [Actionparts#Skip_current_text SKIP_CURRENT_TEXT] - - - - - -
'110': [Actionparts#Set_fade_effect_to_new_scene SET_FADE_EFFECT] - - -

'0': no effect
'1': fade in
'2': fade out
'3': fade in/out
'4': fade to new
'5': shift left
'6': shift right
'7': tunnel effect

delay (in msec) -
'111': [Actionparts#Set_object_visibility FADE_OBJECT] object value - visibility: must be between '0' and '100' (only used if value is empty) delay (in msec) -
'112': [Actionparts#Set_interface_visibility FADE_INTERFACE] interfaceclass - - visibility: must be between '0' and '100' delay (in msec) - -
DEPRECATED - '112': [Actionparts#Set_interface_visibility FADE_INTERFACE] interface - - number of active interface of current character (only used if ActionPartLink is not set) visibility: must be between '0' and '100' delay (in msec) -
'114': [Actionparts#Set_light_map SET_LIGHTMAP] scene - image file - - - -
'115': [Actionparts#Set_brightness SET_BRIGHTNESS] scene - - brightness: must be between '0' and '100' - - -
'116': [Actionparts#Set_character_visibility FADE_CHARACTER] character value - visibility: must be between '0' and '100' (only used if value is empty) delay (in msec) - -
'117': [Actionparts#Set_item SET_PICKUP_ITEM] object (item) - -

'1': picked up item
'0': item for combined command

- - -
'121': [Actionparts#Delete_savegame.2Fautosave DELETE_SAVEGAME] - - -

'0': delete savegame
'1': delete autosave

number of autosave (only used if ActionPartInt = 1) - -
'123': [Actionparts#If_Savegame.2FAutosave_exists_then IF_SAVEGAME_EXISTS] - - - -

'0': test selected savegame
'1': test any savegame
'2': test autosave

number of autosave (only used if ActionPartInt = 2) - -
'124': [Actionparts#Change_character_animation_index SET_CHARACTERANIM_INDEX] character - - index - - -
'125': [Actionparts#Wait_until_sound_is_finished WAITON_SOUND] - - sound file - - - -
'126': [Actionparts#Wait_until_sound_is_finished SET_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLABLE_AREA] scene - - left border right border - -
'127': [Actionparts#Wait_until_sound_is_finished SET_VERTICAL_SCROLLABLE_AREA] scene - - upper border lower border - -
'130': [Actionparts#Keep_scene_in_memory KEEP_SCENE_IN_MEM] - - -

'0': keep scene objects and characters
'1': keep scene objects
'2': keep characters

max. number of scene changes to keep sprites - -
'131': [Actionparts#Set_text_and_speech_output SET_TEXT_OUTPUT] - - -

'0': text and speech output
'1': only speech output
'2': only text output

- - -
'132': [Actionparts#Set_character_to_position SET_CHARACTER_TO_POSITION] character scene - x-coordinate of point y-coordinate of point - -
'133': [Actionparts#Change_way_system CHANGE_WAYSYSTEM] way system - - - - - -
'134': [Actionparts#Set_first_animation_frame SET_FIRST_ANIMATION_FRAME] animation - - first animation frame - - -
'135': [Actionparts#Set_last_animation_frame SET_LAST_ANIMATION_FRAME] animation - - last animation frame - - -
'136': [Actionparts#Set_text_speed SET_TEXT_SPEED] value - - speed in % - - -
'137': [Actionparts#Call_script CALL_SCRIPT] script - - - - - function name to call
'138': [Actionparts#Execute_script EXECUTE_SCRIPT] - - - - - - script content
'139': [Actionparts#Set_condition SET_CONDITION] condition - -

'0': true
'1': false

- - -
'140': [Actionparts#If_condition IF_CONDITION] condition - -

'0': true
'1': false

- - -
'141': [Actionparts#Show_hide_cursor SHOW_HIDE_CURSOR] cursor - -

'0': show
'1': hide

- - -
'142': [Actionparts#Show_hide_interfaces SHOW_HIDE_INTERFACES] - - -

'0': show
'1': hide

- - -
'143': [Actionparts#Start_stop_earthquake START_STOP_EARTHQUAKE] - - -

'0': start earthquake
'1': stop earthquake

force (in pixel) speed -
'144': [Actionparts#Begin_end_cutscene BEGIN_END_CUTSCENE] - - - '0': start earthquake

'1': stop earthquake

- - -
'145': [Actionparts#Load_save_bookmark LOAD_SAVE_BOOKMARK] - - -

'0': load bookmark
'1': save bookmark

number of savegame: '0' - '99'

'0': do not save action where this action part is defined.
'1': also save action where this action part is defined.

'146': [Actionparts#Load_save_game LOAD_SAVE_GAME] - - -

'0': load game
'1': save game

'0': do not save action where this action part is defined.
'1': also save action where this action part is defined.

- -
'147': [Actionparts#Change_general_volume SET_VOLUME] - - -

'0': sound volume
'1': music volume
'2': speech volume
'3': movie volume
'4': global volume

'0': =
'1': +=
'2': -=

volume (between '0' and '100') -
'148': [Actionparts#Call_exit_action CALL_EXIT_ACTION] action - -

'0': call action
'1': exit action

- - -
'149': [Actionparts#Preload_animation PRELOAD_UNLOAD_ANIMATION] animation - -

'0': preload animation
'1': unload animation

- - -
'150': [Actionparts#Add_remove_item ADD_REMOVE_ITEM] object (item) character -

'0': add item
'1': remove item

'0': do not scroll items
'1': scroll items so that added item is visible (i.e. scroll to end of items because added item is at the end of item list)

- -
'151': [Actionparts#Show_next_previous_savegames SCROLL_SAVEGAMES] - - -

'0': next savegames
'1': previous savegames

- - -
'152': [Actionparts#Set_animation_position SET_ANIMATION_POSITION] animation - - x-coordinate y-coordinate

'0': =
'1': +=
'2': -=

'153': [Actionparts#Show_hide_snoop_animations SHOW_HIDE_SNOOP_ANIMATIONS] - - -

'0': show
'1': hide

- - -
'154': [Actionparts#Preload_unload_character PRELOAD_UNLOAD_CHARACTER] character - -

'0': preload character
'1': unload character

- - -
'155': [Actionparts#Show_object_text SHOW_OBJECT_TEXT] text object - x-coordinate y-coordinate

'0': align text left
'1': align text centered
'2': align text right

'156': [Actionparts#Hide_object_text HIDE_OBJECT_TEXT] object - - - - - -