Basic Lua: Operators

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Lua operators are expressions used to perform calculations or to pass arguments between different value types.

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Conditional Operators

if Query if something does or does not meet a certain condition.
else Do something else if the query condition was not met.
elseif Used to add additional if queries, if the initial query condition was not met.
end This is used to close various queries or functions; there must be the same amount of end as if; except in instances where elseif has been used.


if statements are one of the most common staples of programming, because programs & games & just about everything we do in life consists of if queries; should I wear this tie today? Do I need to go grocery shopping after work? Should I buy this game, or that game? etc. etc.

Let's say that we have a variable called var & we want to check if the var contains a boolean value of true...

local var = true

if var == true then
  print("var = true")
Quick note: if a variable contains a boolean value of true or false, then there is no need to use definitive query based operators as the variable on it's own will return the boolean value.

Now we want to perform the same query, but we want to check if the variable is false instead...

local var = true

if var == false then
  print("var = false")

What do you think will happen when we run the code above? That's right, absolutely nothing will happen because var still contains the boolean value of true & we haven't told the program what to do if the variable doesn't return false, so let's do that now by using an else operator...


local var = true

if var == false then
  print("var = false")
  print("var = true")

Because the variable contains a boolean value of true, we skip the if var == false block of code & execute the line of code in the else section instead, which would print "var = true" to the log.


if condition is not met, then do else
local a = false

if a then
  print("a = true")
  print("a = false")
Basic lua (if queries) (4).png

Logical Operators

and Allows you to check multiple conditions in a single if query.
or Allows you to add an alternative if query into a single if query.
not Checks if condition equals false or negative.


if condition a is true and condition b is false then
local a = true
local b = false

if a == true and b == false then
  print("a = true", "b = false")
Basic lua (if queries) (6).png


if condition is true or condition == true then
local a = true

if a or a == true then
 print("a = true")
click to enlarge


if condition is not true
local a = false

if not a then
 print("a = false")
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Comparison Operators

== Equal to.
~= Does not equal.
>= Greater than or equal to.
> Greater than.
<= Less than or equal to.
< Less than.

equal to

if a equals 1
local a = 1

if a == 1 then
 print("a = 1")
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does not equal

if a does not equal 2
local a = 1

if a ~= 2 then
 print("a = " .. a)
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greater than or equal to

if a is greater than or equal to 2
local a = 5

if a >= 2 then
 print("a = " .. a)
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greater than

if a is greater than 2
local a = 3

if a > 2 then
 print("a = " .. a)
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less than or equal to

if a less than or equal to 2
local a = 2

if a <=  2 then
 print("a = " .. a)
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less than

if a less than 2
local a = 0

if a <  2 then
 print("a = " .. a)
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Mathematical Operators

+ Add
- Subtract or invert
* Multiply
/ Divide
^ Power
% Remainder


1 + 2 = 3
local a = 1
local b = 2
local result = a + b

print( result )
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3 - 2 = 1
local a = 3
local b = 2
local result = a - b

print( result )
click to enlarge


inv of 3 = -3
local a = 3
local result = -a

print( "original value: " .. a, "inversed value: " .. result )
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2 x 2 = 4
local a = 2
local result = a * a

print( result )
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10 ÷ 5 = 2
local a = 10
local b = 5
local result = a / b

print( result )
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base of 2, power of 8 (2ⁿ) = 256
local a, b = 2, 16
local result = a ^ b -- generate answer
-- break down power function into string result (ignore this code)
function power(i1, i2)
 local val = "" -- clear string
 for i = 1, i2 do -- generate the longhand math formula
  if i < i2 then val = val..i1.."*" else val = val..i1 end
 return "which is the equivalent of " .. val
print("power value of "..a.." & "..b.."  = " .. result, power(a,b))
click to enlarge


remainder of 25 ÷ 4 = 1
local a = 25
local b = 4
local result = a / 4
local remainder = a % b
local decimal = remainder / b

print("result: 25 ÷ 4 = "  .. result, "remainder: .25 x 4 = " .. remainder, "decimal: 1 ÷ 4 = " .. decimal )
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