Basic lua: Introduction

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What is Lua Script

Lua Script is a lightweight, cross-platform scripting language that was originally created as an extension of sorts, to further extend upon already existing programming languages, but over time, it has grown in popularity due to how easy it is to learn, & the amount of time saved in creating simple procedural scripts, functions & tables etc...

...thus Lua script is now the primary or secondary scripting language of multiple game engines. It is also used in various applications & web design.

What is the meaning of LUA

Actually it's not LUA at all. Lua is not an abbreviation or acronym of any kind, it is simply the Portuguese word for moon.

What languages is Lua similar to

Lua, is similar to programming languages such as C, C#, C++, & Java to name a few, although Lua is relatively basic in comparison. The similarities are based on the structure of the languages & the way that they are written out - well for me anyway.

The basics


The print function is used for printing messages to the log file or lua console & is useful for debugging your scripts & functions.

print("hello world") -- prints "hello world" into the log/console (ah yes how cliché of me, but it had to be done)


Concatenation is essentially the joining of 2 or more strings.

a = "hello"
b = "world"

print(a .. " " .. b) -- prints "hello world" we had to add " " to create a space between the 2 words