Basic lua: Introduction

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Revision as of 15:47, 22 September 2014 by AFRLme (talk)

What is Lua Script

Lua Script is a lightweight, cross-platform scripting language that was originally created as an extension of sorts, to further extend upon already existing programming languages, but over time, it has grown in popularity due to how easy it is to learn, & the amount of time saved in creating simple procedural scripts, functions & tables, thus Lua script is now the primary or secondary scripting language of multiple game engines. It is also used in various applications & web design.

For more information please see: here & here.

What is the meaning of LUA

Actually it's not LUA at all. Lua is not an abbreviation or acronym of any kind, it is simply the Portuguese word for moon.

What languages is Lua similar to

Lua, is similar to programming languages such as C, C#, C++, & Java to name a few, although Lua is relatively basic in comparison. The similarities are based on the structure of the languages & the way that they are written out - well for me anyway.

Why learn Lua

Why would you want to learn Lua script? I mean honestly why would you? Visionaire Studio already comes with enough pre-existing actions & queries, that you could technically (almost) make a finished game of commercial caliber; the caliber part being entirely up to you &/or your team, but still...

My answer is pretty simple. Why not? Lua can be used to further enhance the pre-existing actions & queries, or create entirely new functions & features that do not come standard with Visionaire Studio itself.

Lua is fairly easy to learn, as it has a short learning curve & anyone with any previous programming experience - I'm even including basic html in this category - shouldn't have much trouble getting to grips with the basics fairly quickly. Plus you will need to use it, if you want to allow players to create screenshots, or you want to have your game remember the players options configuration each time the game is launched.

I recommend trying to learn it, even if it's just the basics as from there you can apply what you have learned into other scripting & programming languages & who knows you have an aptitude for learning code & be able to learn more advanced programming languages like c# or c++ & make games in more powerful engines like Unity or UDK (unreal engine).