Characters Tab

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 19:52, 31 March 2014 by AFRLme (talk)
Characters: This is where you can create your characters, outfits & animations etc


Char outfits tab.png
Edit animation: this shows the animation preview screen, where you can preview, or edit the animation.
Anim editor.png
Properties: allows you to edit loop amount, direction, frame delay value, & various playback settings, such as: play forwards, reverse, or random frame selection.
Anim properties.png
First frame: jump back to the first frame.
Anim seekfirst.png
Previous frame: jump back 1 frame.
Anim steprewind.png
Play animation: allows you to preview the animation.
Anim play.png
Next frame: jump forward 1 frame.
Anim stepforward.png
Last frame: jump forward to the last frame.
Anim seeklast.png
Add frame: opens load graphic box, import image, & edit settings for a single frame
Anim addframe.png
Delete frame: delete the currently selected frame.
Anim deleteframe.png
Edit frame: opens load graphic box, replace current image, edit various settings, & create custom actions, for the currently selected frame.
Anim editframe.png
Load frame sequence: allows you to batch import animation frame images; images must contain same name with a prefix index number like so: walk_west_01, walk_west_02, ..., walk_west_10, etc...
Anim loadseq.png
Onion effect: allows you to display a semi-transparent version, of whichever animation frame you assign the red dot to.
Anim oniontool.png
Set animation center: controls the current position of the character, & is used for detecting when character enters an action area, or reaches a destination; should be set somewhere near the characters feet, in the center.
Anim feetcentre.png
Animation studio: opens the animation studio window, which allows you to harmonize current character animation center, to another character animation; useful for checking if character animations are correctly aligned.
Anim studio.png
Set character movement for walk animation: control the movement/position, of the character between frames, preview what character will look like walking across the screen; only available for walk animations.
Anim walkcycle.png