Characters Tab

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 19:22, 2 April 2014 by AFRLme (talk) (Add/Edit Frame)

Add/Edit Frame

Both add frame & edit frame use the 'Load graphic window; in the case of edit frame the animation frame preview will already be shown as the link to the graphic is already set & all settings, actions etc, will be as you left them after importing a new frame, or editing the selected frame.

Transparency: None: don't use use transparency for current animation frame; ok for solid images that do not contain any transparent background parts.

Char outfits tab load graphic.png

Char outfits tab load graphic animfract.png

Char outfits tab load graphic openchar.png

Char outfits tab load graphic opensnd.png

Transparency: Alpha channel: uses images alpha channel for transparency; if available.
Transparency: Color: allows you to set the background color mask; old school masking method in which the all parts containing the specified color will be ignored.
Sound file: allows you to add a single sound file that will be triggered when the animation frame is shown.
Action: allows you to create actions via the animation frame action window, which will be executed when the animation frame is shown.
Volume: allows you to set the volume level of the sound file; providing you have added a sound file.
Balance: allows you offset the balance (left/right) of the sound file; providing you have added a sound file.
OK: apply the changes & close the window.
Cancel: undo the changes & close the window.