Dynamic Lighting (h2)

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Dynamic Lighting (image based) AFRLme

This tutorial shows you how to create a dynamic light using static images. Dynamic light using images works by creating an image containing the lighting/glow with a transparent background. We then use random values to control the opacity & transition time between current opacity value & the target opacity value. Overall this creates a pretty neat effect.



This is the simpler method of the 2 available. It constantly updates the opacity value of the image(s).

1. You should create some lighting in your preferred graphic/3D program of choice. Don't forget to use feather/anti-aliasing to create smooth edges for your lighting. Blur is ok too. Background should be transparent.
2. First off you are going to want to create an object in your scene that you will be assigning the lighting image to.
3. Go to scene > value & create a new value. This value will be used to control the transition delay.
4. Go to: scene > actions & create an at begin of scene action & a called by other action action. Make sure you give the called by other action an appropriate name.
5. Inside of the at begin of scene action: add a called action "called_by_other_action_name" action
6. Inside of the called by other action action you should include these action parts...

set random value in 'value_name' between x and y -- sets random delay between x & y ms.
execute script > (see code block below)
pause for 'value_name' millisecond(s) -- linked to value.
jump to action part #1 -- forces loop from beginning.
Objects["object_name"]:to(Values["value_name"].Int, {ObjectVisibility = math.random(75,100)}, easeQuintOut) -- fade to random opacity value between 75-100% with smooth ending

7. Rinse & repeat the process for other images you want to control with this method. If you don't mind all images being adjusted at the same time, then you could even add them to the execute a script code mentioned above.


This is the more complicated of the 2 methods as it requires additional values, actions & if queries to create the flicker effect. This style of lighting is good for neon lights or in scenarios that require the lighting to flicker on/off.

1. You should create some lighting in your preferred graphic/3D program of choice. Don't forget to use feather/anti-aliasing to create smooth edges for your lighting. Blur is ok too. Background should be transparent.
2. First off you are going to want to create an object in your scene that you will be assigning the lighting image to.
3. Go to scene > value & create 2 new values. These values will be used to control the transition delay & the amount of times the image should flicker.
4. Go to: scene > actions & create an at begin of scene action & a called by other action action. Make sure you give the called by other action an appropriate name.
5. Inside of the at begin of scene action: add a called action "called_by_other_action_name" action (step is optional depending on how light is triggered)
6. Inside of the called by other action action you should include these action parts...

if value 'flicker_value_name' > 0
 value 'flicker_value_name' - 1 -- remove 1 from value.
 set random value in 'value_name' between x and y -- sets random delay between x & y ms.
 execute script > (see first code block below)
 pause for 'delay_value_name' millisecond(s) -- linked to delay value.
 jump to action part #1 -- forces loop from beginning.
else -- if flicker value = 0 then...
 execute a script > (see second code block below)
 set random value in 'flicker_value_name' between x & y -- set next random flicker value.
 set random value in 'delay_value_name' between x & y -- set random delay value between next set of light flickers.
 pause for 'delay_value_name' millisecond(s) -- linked to delay value.
 jump to action part #1 -- forces loop from beginning.
Objects["object_name"]:to(Values["delay_value_name"].Int, {ObjectVisibility = math.random(25,100)}, easeQuintOut) -- fade to random opacity value between 25-100% with smooth ending
Objects["object_name"]:to(300, {ObjectVisibility = 0}, easeQuintOut) -- fade to 0% opacity over 300ms with smooth ending

7. Rinse & repeat the process for other images you want to control with this method. If you don't mind all images being adjusted at the same time, then you could even add them to the execute a script code mentioned above.


Name Description
dynamic_lighting.zip A working .ved file, complete with resources. Check out the readme.txt file for instructions.