MoveObj (CMS)

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 18:07, 23 August 2022 by AFRLme (talk | contribs)
Name Type By
moveObj("obj", x, y, duration, easing) Definition AFRLme

This small function allows you to move an object immediately from one position to another (absolute positioning); or over x amount of time with optional easing. (positioning is based on top left pixel belonging to the linked image or animation).


1. Add the main script to the Visionaire Studio Script Editor & set the script as a definition script.
2a. Usage Example #1: move object immediately from current position to 100, 100.

moveObj("object_name", 100, 100)

2b. Usage Example #2: move object over 2000ms from current position to 100, 100 with easeBounceOut easing.

moveObj("object_name", 100, 100, 2000, easeBounceOut)

Main Script

function moveObj(obj, x, y, duration, easing, pos)
 duration = duration or 0 -- fallback in case duration equals nil
 easing = easing or easeLinearInOut -- fallback in case easing equals nil
 obj = game.CurrentScene.Objects[obj] -- store object
 -- + --
 if obj.Animation:isEmpty() then -- check if animation isn't linked to scene object
   pos = obj.Sprite.Sprite:getPosition() -- store object sprite position (top left pixel)
   pos = ActiveAnimations[obj.Animation:getName()].CurrentPosition -- store linked animation position (top left pixel)
 -- + --
 obj:to(duration, { Offset = {x = x - pos.x, y = y - pos.y} }, easing) -- update object position

Syntax Breakdown

Name Type Description
obj "string" This should be a "string" value containing the name of the object you want to move.
x integer This should contain a number value consisting of the x coordinate you want to move the object to.
y integer This should contain a number value consisting of the y coordinate you want to move the object to.
duration integer This should be a an integer value of the amount of time in milliseconds it should take the object to get from current position to the target position.
easing integer This should contain a number value, or the variable name of the easing type that you want to use. Here is a list of available easing options.