ShaderContrast (CMS)

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 19:03, 30 September 2014 by AFRLme (talk)
Name Type
shaderContrast(value, delay) Execution

Allows the user to adjust the screen contrast over a specified amount of time. The shader toolkit is required for this function to work.



Adjust screen contrast value

shaderContrast(1.1, 3000) -- adjust screen contrast over 3000 milliseconds
shaderContrast(1.1, 0) -- adjust screen contrast instantly


Restore default screen contrast value

shaderContrast(1, 3000) -- restore screen contrast over 3000 milliseconds
shaderContrast(1, 0) -- restore screen contrast value back to default instantly

Syntax Breakdown

Name Type Description
value float (decimal) Define the contrast value; number between 0 & 2 (1 = default).
delay integer (number) The amount of time to adjust the screen contrast value over; in milliseconds (ms).


Name Description