Check For Scene Scrolling

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Name Type By
Check for scene scrolling Definition Einzelkämpfer

This script provides a function to check if the scene is currently scrolling.


  1. Add the main script to the Visionaire Studio Script Editor and set the script as a definition script.
  2. Call the "isSceneScrolling()" function to check for a currently scrolling scene. You may check for horizontal or vertical scrolling separately.
--Check if scene is currently scrolling in any direction
isSceneScrolling() -- returns boolean

-- Check if scene is currently scrolling in horizontal direction
isSceneScrolling("h") -- returns boolean

-- Check if scene is currently scrolling in vertical direction
isSceneScrolling("v") -- returns boolean

Main Script

-- Call "isSceneScrolling()" to check if a scene is currently scrolling

is_scrolling_h = false
is_scrolling_v = false
last_scene = game.CurrentScene
last_pos = game.ScrollPosition

function checkScrolling()
  cur_scene = game.CurrentScene
  cur_pos = game.ScrollPosition

  if cur_scene == last_scene then
    is_scrolling_h = (cur_pos.x ~= last_pos.x)
    is_scrolling_v = (cur_pos.y ~= last_pos.y)
    last_scene = cur_scene
    is_scrolling_h = false
    is_scrolling_v = false
  last_pos = cur_pos

registerEventHandler("mainLoop", "checkScrolling")


function isSceneScrolling(dir)
  if dir == "h" then
    return is_scrolling_h
  elseif dir == "v" then
    return is_scrolling_v
    return (is_scrolling_h or is_scrolling_v)