Characters (DS)

From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Revision as of 20:59, 18 January 2015 by AFRLme (talk)

This page consists of an overview of the fields & tables belonging to the character data structure table.


A list of actions belonging to the specified character. Requires iteration or an index value.

Why would you want to access this? Well... as a quick example: I used this for checking if specific actions were available, which were then used to determine which command buttons should be available in a ring/coin interface I created. Please see this script here.

Print all actions associated with the character by iterating with the for loop.

local c_act = getObject("Characters[Tom]"):getLinks(VCharacterActions) -- store actions table in c_act

for i = 1, #c_act do -- for index 1 to c_act total value do...
 print( c_act[i] ) -- will print the action associated with the current index value to the log

Print a single action to log by specifying an index value. Visionaire Studio 4.1+ is required for shorthand Lua script.

print( Characters[Tom].CharacterActions[1] ) -- print action in table index 1