Action Parts
Action parts are an essential part of Visionaire Studio's action system.
By default, the action part selection dialog (see image) pops up when adding a new action part to an action (you can disable this in the options). The dialog shows all 100+ available action parts grouped by categories on the right hand side. Click on one of the buttons to open up a category list and choose the desired action part. The action parts you use the most will be listed on the left hand side for quick & easy access (double-click to select). There is also a search field available.
Another way of adding new action parts is by clicking somewhere in the action part list and press the "Enter" key. You can then start typing the name of the desired action part and select it from the auto-complete list that pops up; or just write the full action part name and press "Enter" again.
You can always change the type of action part after you added it. Just choose another part from the list at the top of the action part properties area.
Visionaire Studio offers the possibility to create your own action parts through plugins. Members of the community have shared plugins they developed; you can download them from the list of action part plugins. If you have installed such plugins, you will find them in the "Custom" section of the action part selection dialog.
You can find a complete list of available action parts below.
Display text
Displays the included Text over the top of the linked Character's head. If the current outfit includes a talking animation, it is automatically started. If an audio file has been included, it is played. The "Text alignment" for all characters is defined globally in the game properties.
- If "Show as background text" is not checked, the cursor gets hidden while the text is displayed. The user may then skip the text by clicking the left mouse button (unless the cursor was manually hidden prior to calling the action part). All action parts listed after "Display text" will not be performed until the displayed text has finished being displayed.
- If "Show as background text" is checked, the user can perform actions while the text is being displayed. Use it to implement conversations by people in the background. Background text cannot be skipped. All action parts listed after "Display text" will continue to be executed without waiting for the text display to finish. You can use the "Wait until character stops speaking" action part to prevent this.
Wait until character stops speaking
Prevents action parts listed after this one from being performed until the selected Character has stopped talking. This is especially useful when dealing with background text.
Send character to position
Send the selected Character to a specified Position. Make sure the position is inside of the way border polygon.
If "Wait until character reached destination" is checked, all action parts listed after this, will not be performed until the character has reached the specified destination.
Send character to object
Send the selected Character to the linked Objects position. Make sure the character and object are on the same scene.
If "Wait until character reached destination" is checked, all action parts listed after this, will not be performed until the character has reached the linked object.
Wait until character stops
Prevents action parts listed after this one from being performed until the selected Character has stopped walking. This action part should only really be used during cut-scenes; when the player has no control over the character or its position and/or destination.
Stop character
This action part will cancel the linked Characters destination and stop it at its current position. It has no effect, if the character is currently not walking.
Align character
This action part allows you to realign the selected Character towards a new Direction or towards an Object. If you link an object, the linked direction is ignored.
Set character to position
This action part allows you to instantly teleport the selected Character to a specified Position in the selected Scene and control the Direction the character should be facing.
Set character to object
This action part allows you to instantly teleport the selected Character to a linked Object's position and control the Direction the character should be facing. The character and object should be in the same scene.
Change character
This action part allows you to change the current playable Character. If the new playable character is in a different scene than the previous one, the engine will automatically switch scenes.
You can switch to the new scene instantly or you can fade out of the current scene and into the next. If you choose the latter, you may adjust the transition effect and duration through the "Set fade effect to new scene" action part.
Change outfit
This action part allows you to change the linked Characters Outfit. If "Do not unload old outfit animations" is checked, the previous outfits animations will be stored in memory so they don't have to be reloaded if you change back to them later on.
Change comment set
This action part allows you to change the default comment set of what is to be displayed when a character performs an invalid action. This could be changed to display comments which reflect the character's current mood.
Change walking sound
This action part allows you to change the footstep sounds of the selected Character to the linked Sound file.
Change font of a character
This action part allows you to change the default Font for the selected Character. That's the font that is used for displaying texts when the character speaks.
Change character speed
This action part allows you to control the selected Characters walking speed. This could be used for controlling when a character walks, runs or the speed the character should move over a specific area of terrain.
Change character animation index
Changes the animation index of a Character (default is 0 when the game is started). This index is used for talk, random and stand animations. If more than 1 animation exists for a direction then this index decides which animation is shown.
Example: A character has 8 talk animations, 2 for each direction (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). If the index is 0 then the first of the two animations (for a direction) is shown. If the index is 1 then the second animation is shown.
With this index it is possible to have different animations (e.g. talking friendly / neutral / angry) without changing the complete outfit.
Chase character
Allows you to make a character follow/chase another Character (or vice versa). Both characters must be in the same scene. The chasing character will keep the distance set in "Range". If it gets closer, the linked Action gets executed. Use the "Stop chase" action part to stop the chase.
Stop chase
Stops the selected Character from chasing another character (as started through the "Chase character" action part).
Show/Hide character
Show or hide the selected Character. A hidden character is not only invisible but completely disabled, i.e. you cannot interact with it, whereas a character with 0% visibility (see the "Set character visibility" action part) still gets recognized by the cursor.
Set character visibility
Allows you to set the visibility (opacity) of the selected Character in percent. By setting the Delay [ms], you can also control how long it should take (in milliseconds) to change from the current opacity to the new opacity amount. If a value is linked to Visibility (value), it will be used instead of the Visibility [%] value.
A character with 0% visibility is invisible, but the user can still interact with it. If you want to completely disable a character (remove it from the scene), use the "Show/Hide character" action part.
Start dialog/dialog-layer
Starts a dialog between the current character and a partner. You can link a Dialog that has been created on the "Dialogs" tab of the addressed character. Following action parts will be executed immediately so take care if this is not the last action part of the listed actions.
Stop dialog
Allows you to manually stop and close the currently running dialog.
Start color overlay
Covers the screen with a color panel. You can set the Color, the Visibility (opacity) value, and the amount of time in milliseconds that the fading should take. The overlay does not only cover the scene but the entire game screen, including interfaces and cursor. It is not limited to the current scene; if you change to another scene or menu, the color overlay will stay. Even if at 100% opacity the user will still be able to play the game, although he won't see anything. Use this action part with a visibility setting of 0% to remove the overlay.
Change scene
Allows you to change to a new scene and teleport the selected Character (usually the current character). You set the new scene indirectly by choosing an object on that scene for "Character stands at". You may also define the direction the character should be facing.
You can switch to the new scene instantly or you can fade out of the current scene and into the next. If you choose the latter, you may adjust the transition effect and duration through the "Set fade effect to new scene" action part.
Allows you to switch to a new scene or menu without having to teleport a character. This is useful for switching to menus or to a scene in which you want to show a cut-scene.
You can switch to the new scene instantly or you can fade out of the current scene and into the next. If you choose the latter, you may adjust the transition effect and duration through the "Set fade effect to new scene" action part.
Scroll scene to position
This action part scrolls the current scene to the specified Position. The scene must be scrollable, i.e. it has to be larger than the game resolution. If you use this action part in a scene where the playable character is located, the scene may immediately scroll back to center on the current character again which is the default behaviour. You can stop centering on the current character through the "Center scene on character permanently" action part.
Scroll scene to object (centered)
This action part scrolls the current scene until the linked Object is in the center of the scene. The object must be in the current scene and the scene must be scrollable, i.e. it has to be larger than the game resolution. If you use this action part in a scene where the playable character is located, the scene may immediately scroll back to center on the current character again which is the default behaviour. You can stop centering on the current character through the "Center scene on character permanently" action part.
Center scene on character permanently
By default, a scrollable scene is centered on the current character's position. With this action part you can choose any Character to have the scene centered on or stop centering the scene on a character at all by checking "Clear centering". This action part is intended for using in cut-scenes or when you don't want the scene to be focused on the currently playable character.
Change to scene of a character
Changes to the scene where the selected Character is located. This action part is mostly used to switch back from menu scenes to the scene where your playable character is located.
You can switch to the new scene instantly or you can fade out of the current scene and into the next. If you choose the latter, you may adjust the transition effect and duration through the "Set fade effect to new scene" action part.
Set fade effect to new scene
Let's you control the transition Effect and the amount of time ("Delay") in milliseconds that the transition should take when changing from one scene to another using the fade option. The settings of this action part apply to all forthcoming scene changes until you use the action part again.
Set object visibility
Allows you to set the visibility (opacity) of the selected Object in percent. By setting the Delay [ms], you can also control how long it should take (in milliseconds) to change from the current opacity to the new opacity amount. If a value is linked to Visibility (value), it will be used instead of the Visibility [%] value.
An object with 0% visibility is invisible, but the user can still interact with it. If you want to completely disable an object, you have to work with a condition or value.
Move object
This action part moves a scene Object by the given amount of X and Y distance. You can set the speed of movement by defining the Duration in milliseconds. The movement is linear.
Move object to
This action part moves a scene Object to the selected position. You can set the speed of movement by defining the Duration in milliseconds. The movement is linear.
Change way system
Allows you to change the current way system for any scene by linking to another Way system. This could be used to change the walkable area due to something being changed in a scene; for example: an earthquake or explosion blocks part of the scene.
Set lightmap
Sets the linked Image file as the new lightmap for the selected Scene. You can define the transition duration in milliseconds.
Note that transition only works when switching from one lightmap to another, i. e. there has to be a lightmap already active when switching to the new one. Otherwise the new lightmap will affect the scene immediately.
Set brightness
Allows you to control the Brightness of the selected Scene in percent.
Fade "hotspot" animations in/out
This action part allows you to fade in/out the objects' hotspot (formerly known as "snoop") animations for the current scene. The fading time ("Delay") can be set in milliseconds. In general it's a good idea to add this action part to a "key pressed" action (fade in) and to a "key released" action (fade out).
Set horizontal scroll area
By default, a scene wider than the game's width can be scrolled from the left to the right border of the scene background image. With this action part it is possible to limit the horizontal scroll area of the Scene. "Left border" sets the left border of the background image where the scene can be scrolled to (default is 0), "Right border" the right border analogous (default is width of background image).
Set vertical scroll area
By default, a scene higher than the game's height can be scrolled from the top to the bottom border of the scene background image. With this action part it is possible to limit the vertical scroll area of the Scene. Top border sets the top border of the background image where the scene can be scrolled to (default is 0), Bottom border the bottom border analogous (default is height of background image).
Keep scene in memory
This action part allows you to store various things from the current scene into memory for the set amount of scene changes. This is useful for when you want to change to a new scene (cut-scene maybe) & then back again without having to wait for the images & animations etc. to reload.
Condition, If, Value
If character has item
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the selected Character owns the selected Item (has it in his inventory); else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If Lua result
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the entered Lua Script returns "true"; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
-- Example: returns "true" if the cave scene is the current scene
return game.CurrentScene == Scenes["cave"]
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
Wait until value was changed
Prevents action parts listed after this one from being performed until the selected Value has changed as defined by the following Operators.
- [ ValueChanged ] queries if the current Value has changed
- [ = ] queries if the current Value equals the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ != ] queries if the current Value does not equal the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ <= ] queries if the current Value is less than or equal to the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ < ] queries if the current Value is less than the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ >= ] queries if the current Value is more than or equal to the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ > ] queries if the current Value is more than the second linked Value or the number provided
Wait until condition was changed
Prevents action parts listed after this one from being performed until the linked Condition has changed to "true" or "false" – or has just changed.
Start tween on value
This action part increases or decreases the linked Value over time (defined in milliseconds) to match a target value, provided as a fixed Target number or by linking another value ("TargetValue"). The value tween can be used with the sound system to control volumes, for example.
Change condition
Allows you to change the boolean value of the linked Condition to "true" or "false" or to toggle the state (set the value opposite to the current one).
Set value
Allows you to change the integer value of the linked Value with one of the Operators listed below.
- [ = ] allows you to set the current Value to the second linked Value or number provided
- [ + ] allows you to add the second linked Value or number provided to the current Value
- [ - ] allows you to subtract the second linked Value or number provided from the current Value
- [ * ] allows you to multiply the current Value with the second linked Value or number provided
- [ / ] allows you to divide the current Value with the second linked Value or number provided
Set random value
Allows you to set the linked Value to a random value from the defined range of numbers.
If condition
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the linked Condition equals the boolean "true" or "false" value you selected; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If value
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the linked Value matches one of the specified criteria in the Operators listed below; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
- [ = ] queries if the current Value equals the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ != ] queries if the current Value does not equal the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ <= ] queries if the current Value is less than or equal to the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ < ] queries if the current Value is less than the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ >= ] queries if the current Value is more than or equal to the second linked Value or the number provided
- [ > ] queries if the current Value is more than the second linked Value or the number provided
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If character is on scene
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query if the selected Character is on the selected Scene; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If character is current character
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the selected Character is the character you are currently controlling; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If character is aligned to
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the selected Character is facing in the given Direction. You can define a Range of direction angles, either around the direction set in the widget ("+/-") or starting at that direction ("from-to"). See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
If language is current language
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the selected Language equals the current language being used; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If command is current command
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the current command being used equals the selected Command; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If current object ...
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query if the current position of the mouse cursor meets the selected criteria listed in Objects below; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
- "exists": only perform the listed actions if an object is under the mouse cursor
- "does not exist": only perform the listed actions if an object is not under the mouse cursor
- "is a scene object": only perform the listed actions if a scene object is below the mouse cursor
- "is an item": only perform the listed actions if an item is under the mouse cursor
- "is a character": only perform the listed actions if a character is under the mouse cursor
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
If savegame/autosave exists
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if a savegame or the specified autosave number exists; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
You can turn this action part into an "else if" by checking ElseIf.
Only perform the following actions if neither the initial "if" criteria of this "if…else" query nor any following "else if" criterias are met. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
End if
This action part is used to end an "if…else" query. There should be the same amount of "end if", as "if" action parts (with additional "if else" action parts optionally in-between). In other words: always end your "if…else" queries with this action part. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
Add/Remove item
Adds or removes the selected Item to/from the selected Character's inventory. If "Scroll to added item" is checked, the items in the inventory interface will scroll to the end so that the newly added item is visible (this option has no effect when removing an item).
There can only be one instance of an item per inventory, so if you try to add an item that is already part of the inventory, nothing happens. The inventory won't scroll to that already present item either. If you try to remove an item that is not part of the inventory, again nothing happens.
Remove all items from character
Removes all items from the selected Character.
Give all items to other character
Transfers all items from the selected Character's inventory' to another Character's inventory.
Save object
Saves the object which is currently under the mouse cursor to memory.
This action part is usually used in conjunction with the Set command, Execute command on saved object and Clear saved object action parts. You may use them to build a "coin" type interface.
Execute command on saved object
The currently set command is being executed on a previously saved object.
This action part is usually used in conjunction with the Set command, Save object and Clear saved object action parts. You may use them to build a "coin" type interface.
Clear saved object
Removes the currently saved object from memory. If no object is currently stored/saved, then this action part will have no effect.
This action part is usually used in conjunction with the Set command, Save object and Execute command on saved object action parts. You may use them to build a "coin" type interface.
Enable/Disable all interfaces
This allows you to globally enable or disable all interfaces at the same time. Currently visible interfaces get hidden when being disabled and shown again when being enabled again. "Enabling all interfaces" does not mean that all the game's interfaces are shown at once.
Show/Hide interface
Allows you to show, hide or toggle the interfaces of the selected Interface class.
Set interface visibility
Allows you to set the Visibility (opacity) for the interfaces of the selected Interface class in percent and set a Delay time (in milliseconds), for how long it should take to change opacity.
Even if set to 0% opacity, the interface is accessible. Use the Show/Hide interface action part, if you want to really hide it from the user.
Set active/inactive image
Allows you to set the active or inactive image for the linked interface Button. This would normally be used in actions with "Cursor enters object area"/"Cursor leaves object area" execution type, to show the button is active or inactive.
Set interface of a character
Allows you to assign an Interface to a character. Since only one interface per interface class can be active/assigned, using this action part will automatically set any other interface from the same interface class inactive.
Set command
Saves the selected command to memory to be executed later on.
This action part can be used in conjunction with the Save object, Execute command on saved object and Clear saved object action parts to build a "coin" type interface.
Set cursor
Allows you to change the current mouse Cursor to another one.
Set item
Sets the currently held item to the selected Item. If "Dragged item" is checked, then the item is shown as if dragged from the inventory (replaces the mouse cursor).
Play/Hide animation
Play (and show) or stop (and hide) the linked Animation. The animation will play forward unless "Play in reverse order" is checked.
If "Wait until animation is finished" is checked then the action parts listed after this one will not be performed until the animation has finished; it will never end if the animation is being looped unless you manually hide/stop the animation.
Wait until animation is finished
This action part prevents all other actions listed after this one from being performed until the linked Animation finishes or is manually stopped.
This action part should be used if you set an animation playing but wanted to perform a few action parts after the animation and then wait until the linked animation has finished playing before carrying on with the rest of the listed actions.
Preload/Unload animation
Stores or removes the linked Animation to/from memory. The animation will be stored to memory, so you don't have to reload it each time you enter the scene – until you unload the animation.
The engine usually handles the loading and unloading of animations automatically, so use this action part only if you know what you are doing. Manually preloaded animations will stay in memory until manually unloaded again.
Preload/Unload character
Stores or removes the selected Character to/from memory. All the characters animations (for each outfit) will be stored to memory so you can instantly switch between outfits without having to wait for them to load – until you unload the character.
The engine usually handles the loading and unloading of animations automatically, so use this action part only if you know what you are doing. Manually preloaded animations will stay in memory until manually unloaded again.
Change position of an animation
Set the Position of the linked Animation via one the Operators and the specified x,y values.
- [ = ] absolutely position the animation to the x,y position provided
- [ + ] add the x,y position values to the current x,y position of the animation
- [ - ] subtract the x,y position values from the current x,y position of the animation
Action, Script
Call/Quit action
Executes or stops the linked Action. If "Wait until action is finished" is checked then the action parts listed after this one will not be performed until the action has finished.
This action part is mostly used in conjunction with actions of the "Called by other action" execution type, because that's what this execution type is for. But you can link other actions, too. For example, if you have two commands "Look" and "Use" and want to perform the same (extensive) action for both of them with an object, you could create the action only once for the "Look" command and then link that action from the "Use" action via this action part.
Quit current action
All action parts listed after this one will be cancelled.
Jump to action part
Allows you to jump forwards or backwards to a certain action part via the value you set in "Skip action parts". This action part can be used to create a loop by wrapping it inside of an "if…else" query and having it jump back to the action part containing the "if". It would only continue the action parts listed after the "Jump to action part", if the condition/value criteria are met. Beware of infinite loops!
- "Jump relative" allows you to skip x action parts forward or backwards
- "Jump absolute" allows you to jump to the action part you set in "Skip action parts" (counted from the top, starting with 1).
Call script
Allows you to call a Script which is assigned as an "execution script".
Execute a script
Allows you to execute script. You may call a global function or variable function or even write a custom script inside of the action part editor section.
Allows you to add a comment to help you document your project. This action part does not have any impact on the game; it's like adding comments to source code when writing script.
If ilios script true
Only perform the actions wrapped in the query, if the entered Ilios Code returns "true"; else continue with the next "else if" or "else" criteria (if provided) or end the query. See the conditions and values page on how to build "if…else" queries.
Run ilios script
Allows you to execute Ilios script.
Set audio bus
Fade audio container in/out
Fade sound
Fades the linked Sound file to the specified target Volume. You can control how long the fading should take (in milliseconds). This action part does not start the linked sound but only affects already playing sound files.
Play sound
Play the linked Sound file through the selected Output bus. You can set the Volume and the left/right audio Balance; only mono channel sounds can be panned.
If "Wait until sound is finished" is checked then the action parts listed after this one will not be performed until the sound has finished playing.
Play and loop sound infinitely
This action part acts like the Play sound action part, apart from the linked Sound file will continue to loop until it is stopped via the Stop currently playing sound action part.
Stop currently playing sound
Stops the selected Sound file from playing. If the sound file is not currently playing then this action part will have no effect.
Wait until sound is finished
This action part prevents all other actions listed after this one from being performed until the linked Sound file has finished playing.
Change background music
Allows you to change the background Music file for the selected Scene. You can set the Volume and the left/right audio Balance; only mono channel sounds can be panned. The currently running background music and the new track will crossfade for the given time (in milliseconds).
Change volume
Change the volume level for sound, music, speech, video & global by using one of the Operators and setting a Volume value.
- [ = ] set the selected volume level to the value provided
- [ + ] add the volume value to the currently selected volume level
- [ - ] remove the volume value from the currently selected volume level
Change settings of currently playing sound
Allows you to edit the Volume level and left/right audio Balance of a currently playing sound. If the selected Sound file is not currently playing, then this action part will have no effect.
Play video
Allows you to play the selected Video file. You can choose to scale the video to the user's screen resolution by checking "Scale fullscreen" and have to decide how to handle Active sounds:
- "Only resume in same scene": all active sounds will be paused and only resumed if the scene is not changed after the video has finished playing
- "Pause and resume": all active sounds will be paused and resumed after the video has finished regardless of if the scene has been changed or not
- "Continue": all active sounds will continue playing throughout and after the video has finished playing
- "Stop": all active sounds will be stopped and not resumed after video has finished playing
Load/Execute autosave
Allows you to load or save (execute) from/to the currently allocated Autosave number.
Load/Save game
Allows you to load or save from/to the currently selected save slot; that's the save slot the user clicked on. Bear in mind that – unless the user chooses to overwrite an existing savegame – all new saves will automatically be added to the first empty save slot as opposed to the actual selected one to leave no gaps in the list of savegames.
Show next/previous savegames
This action part allows you to scroll through the save slots, providing you decide not to use a set amount of save slots. You will use this action part on scroll buttons.
Delete savegame/autosave
Allows you to delete a Save from the currently selected savegame slot ("Current savegame") or to delete the allocated Autosave number if provided.
Begin/End of cutscene
Allows you to start or stop a cutscene. Cutscenes are scenes containing none-playable scenarios in which the player has no control over what is happening on the screen, because the cursor will be hidden. The user can always skip the cutscene by pressing the "Esc" key.
Action parts changing conditions or values within the cutscene are usually executed even if the user skips the cutscene, but actions that would have been called during the cutscene may not have been called at all. So when creating a cutscene, ensure that skipping that scene by the user does not break your game.
Allows you to set a pause/delay between action parts; in other words all action parts listed after this one will not be resumed until after the pause time value has been reached. You can define the Pause length or link a Value instead.
Set text and voice output
This action part allows you to determine if both spoken text (subtitles) and speech (audio) should be shown/played or whether to only show the spoken text or play the speech.
Display narration text
This action part displays Text that is not spoken by characters. It can be positioned anywhere on the screen and you have to select the Font to use. The "Narration text alignment" is defined globally in the game properties.
- If "Show as background text" is not checked, the cursor gets hidden while the text is displayed. The user may then skip the text by clicking the left mouse button (unless the cursor was manually hidden prior to calling the action part). All action parts listed after "Display narration text" will not be performed until the displayed text has finished being displayed.
- If "Show as background text" is checked, the user can perform actions while the text is being displayed. Background text cannot be skipped. All action parts listed after "Display narration text" will continue to be executed without waiting for the text display to finish.
Wait for narration text
Prevents action parts listed after this one from being performed until a currently active narration text has disappeared. This is especially useful when dealing with background text.
Display object text
Allows you to assign a display text to a scene Object or interface button. The text will be bound to the object, so it will get hidden if the object is being disabled. Apart from that, object text is displayed indefinitely. It can be hidden with the Hide object text action part though.
Object and text do not have to share a position on the screen; object text can be positioned anywhere. You have to define the Text alignment and select the Font to use.
You cannot bind more than one object text to an object.
Hide object text
Use this action part to hide a displayed text created with the Display object text action part by selecting the Object.
Skip current text
Skips the currently displayed spoken text or narration text. This action part has no effect on background texts.
Set speed for text output
Allows you to globally speed up or slow down the text output by x percentage based on whatever pause value you add to your displayed text or on the engine's automatically calculated text duration. You may specify a percentage factor or link a Value.
Show/Hide cursor
Show or hide the mouse cursor.
Bear in mind that hiding the mouse cursor kills all input methods; meaning that neither the mouse, nor keyboard will work until the cursor is unhidden. Ensure not to break your game because of a hidden cursor.
Start/Stop earthquake
Play god by starting or stopping an earthquake. You can control the Force and Speed of the screen shake.
Change language
Allows you to change between the languages you have set up. The language setting controls which text and speech files will be displayed/played.
Quit game
Allows you to quit the game executable and go back to the desktop.