Player Commands
This is an index list of LUA Commands; exclusively for using with Visionaire Studio!
Inside each page: you will find information, syntax & examples for each command.
♠ createScreenshot()
♠ getCursorPos()
♠ getProperty() -- finished? (need to test system_language example)
♠ getSoundId() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ getSoundProperty() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ getSteamAchievement() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ getSteamStat() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ getVolume()
♠ registerEventHandler() -- not finished! (additional event listener examples to add)
♠ registerHookFunction() -- not finished! (event listener/handler examples to add)
♠ resetSteamStats() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ setCursorPos()
♠ setSoundProperty() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ setSteamAchievement() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ setSteamStat() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ setVolume() -- not finished! (example 2 needs finishing)
♠ setWindowTitle()
♠ startAction()
♠ startAnimation()
♠ startDefaultBrowser()
♠ startSound() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ stopAction()
♠ stopAnimation()
♠ stopSound() -- not finished! (needs an example)
♠ toggleSoundPause() -- not finished! (needs an example)