Function Name
shaderBlur() |
Blur/Focus the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderColorize() |
Tint all the graphics on the screen a specific color over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderContrast() |
Set the global contrast level of the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderFollowCharacter() |
Softly follow the linked character around the screen.
shaderHue() |
Adjust the hue level of the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderLightness() |
Adjust the lightness of the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderNoise() |
Apply noise effect to the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderPan() |
Pan the camera on the x or y axis over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderRotate() |
Rotate the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderSaturation() |
Adjust saturation value of the screen over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderViewport() |
Pan, zoom & rotate the camera over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderZoom() |
Zoom the camera over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderZoomCharacter() |
Zoom camera into or out of linked characters position over x amount of milliseconds.
shaderZoomObject() |
Zoom camera into or out of linked objects location over x amount of milliseconds.
Function Name
createScreenshot() |
Create a screenshot & save as .png to a specified folder or use the screenshot for the save game thumbnail.
getBool() |
Retrieve boolean value of the linked object.
getCursorPos() |
Retrieves the current (absolute) position of the mouse cursor.
getFloat() |
Retrieve the float value of the linked object.
getFloats() |
Retrieve the float values of the linked objects data table.
getId() |
Retrieve the table id or table id name of the linked object.
getInt() |
Retrieve the integer value of the linked object.
getInts() |
Retrieve the integer values of the linked objects data table.
getLink() |
Retrieves the data stored inside of a linked objects table.
getLinks() |
Retrieves grouped data stored inside of a linked objects table.
getName() |
Returns the "string" name value of the linked objects table.
getObject() |
Retrieves the data stored inside of a linked objects table.
getParent() |
Retrieves the parent object which contains the linked object. (only game objects contain no parent)
getPath() |
Retrieves path (directory in unix format) of linked object. (images, videos, sounds etc)
getPaths() |
Retrieves multiple paths (directories in unix format) of linked object data table. (images, videos, sounds etc)
getPoint() |
Retrieves the x,y coordinates associated with the linked object.
getPoints() |
Retrieves multiple x,y coordinates associated with the linked objects data table.
getProperty() |
Retrieve various operating system (os) properties; such as: platform, system language etc...
getSoundId() |
Retrieve id of linked sound. (only applicable for active sounds)
getSoundProperty() |
Retrieve various properties of linked sound, such as: current playtime, balance, volume, loop. (only applicable for active sounds)
getSteamAchievement |
Retrieve boolean value of linked steam achievement.
getSteamStat |
Retrieve integer value of linked steam stat.
getTexts() |
Retrieve all texts associated with the linked object.
getTextStr() |
Retrieve a specific text string, based on the current game language or the included language id.
getTime() |
Developer command for checking time between 2 points; can be re-purposed into a crude delay or loop function.
getVolume() |
Retrieve volume levels for: music, sound, speech, videos, & master.
getWindowBrightness() |
Retrieve global window brightness value.
isEmpty() |
Returns true or false; depending on whether or not the linked object is empty.
registerEventHandler() |
Create loops, listen out for various events; such as mouse actions, action/text started/stopped etc...
registerHookFunction() |
Set displayed & action text positions.
resetSteamStats() |
Reset the linked steam stat back to its default value.
setCursorPos() |
Set the absolute position of the mouse cursor.
setSoundProperty() |
Set the properties of a linked sound, such as: current playtime position, balance, volume, loop (requires sound id)
setSteamAchievement() |
Set the boolean value of the linked steam achievement.
setSteamStat() |
Set the integer value of the linked steam stat.
setValue() |
Edit value of the linked object. (all data types)
setVolume() |
Adjust the volume levels for: music, sound, speech, videos, & master.
setWindowBrightness() |
Adjust the global window brightness value.
setWindowTitle() |
Set a custom title in the window application bar (only applicable for window mode)
startAction() |
Call & start the linked action.
startAnimation() |
Play the linked animation.
startDefaultBrowser |
Launch default web browser & open the linked url in a new tab. (only launches browser if not already open)
startSound() |
Play the linked sound; additional properties can also be set such as: current playtime position, balance, volume, & loop.
stopAction() |
Stop the linked action. (only applicable for active actions)
stopAnimation() |
Stop & unload the linked action. (only applicable for active animations)
stopSound() |
Stop the linked sound; requires sound id. (only applicable for active sounds)
toggleSoundPause() |
Toggle linked sound between playing & paused state; requires sound id. (only applicable for active sounds)
unregisterEventHandler() |
Unregister the linked event handler & function.