Compiled Index of Lua Scripts for Visionaire Studio
From The Official Visionaire Studio: Adventure Game Engine Wiki
Here you can find a list of verified working Lua scripts made by various members of the Visionaire Studio team & forum community. Also included is a list of workflow functions, shader functions & standard Visionaire Studio functions.
Community Made Scripts
Script Name | By |
Chained Volume Control (music vs speech) | AFRLme |
Mute/Restore Volume | AFRLme |
Sliding Interface MKIII | AFRLme |
Script Name | By |
Cycle Inventory Items | AFRLme |
Dynamic Action Names | AFRLme |
Global Command Checker | AFRLme |
High Score Display (updated via function) | AFRLme |
Insert Item | AFRLme |
Kill Background Text (multiple options) | AFRLme |
Load External Scripts | Divo |
Loop Me Not (self loop function x amount of times) | AFRLme |
Organize Inventory Items Alphabetically | AFRLme |
Percentage Display (updated via function) | AFRLme |
Replace Item | AFRLme |
Sliding Interface MKII | AFRLme |
Script Name | By |
Config.ini (read/write) | AFRLme |
Dynamic Action Names for Dragged Items | AFRLme |
Dynamic Loop Handler (control delay & loop amount) | AFRLme |
Dynamic Sound (based on current character position) | AFRLme |
Dynamic Stylized Speech Bubbles | The Argonauts |
Self Looping Function with Delay (2 versions) | AFRLme |
Sliding Interfaces (based on Deponia) | AFRLme |
Sliding Puzzle (3x3) | AFRLme |
Volume Control (rail, button, percentage) | AFRLme |
Math Functions
Function Name | Description |
secondsToDays() | Convert seconds to dd time format. |
secondsToHours() | Convert seconds to hh time format. |
secondsToMinutes() | Convert seconds to mm time format. |
secondsToSeconds() | Convert seconds to ss time format. |
secondsToTime() | Convert seconds to dd:hh:mm:ss time format. |
Shader Toolkit
Script Name | By |
Shader Toolkit | SimonS |
Shader Toolkit Functions
Function Name | Description |
shaderAddEffect() | Add various dynamic pre-made warp effects to the screen. |
shaderBlur() | Blur/Focus the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderColorize() | Tint all the graphics on the screen a specific color over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderContrast() | Set the global contrast level of the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderFollowCharacter() | Softly follow the linked character around the screen. |
shaderGlow() | Create a glow effect on light/saturated scene objects (automatically selected) over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderHue() | Adjust the hue level of the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderLightness() | Adjust the lightness of the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderNoise() | Apply noise effect to the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderPan() | Pan the camera on the x or y axis over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderRotate() | Rotate the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderSaturation() | Adjust saturation value of the screen over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderViewport() | Pan, zoom & rotate the camera over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderZoom() | Zoom the camera over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderZoomCharacter() | Zoom camera into or out of linked characters position over x amount of milliseconds. |
shaderZoomObject() | Zoom camera into or out of linked objects location over x amount of milliseconds. |
Visionaire Studio Functions
Function Name | Description |
createScreenshot() | Create a screenshot & save as .png to a specified folder or use the screenshot for the save game thumbnail. |
getBool() | Retrieve boolean value of the linked object. |
getCursorPos() | Retrieves the current (absolute) position of the mouse cursor. |
getFloat() | Retrieve the float value of the linked object. |
getFloats() | Retrieve the float values of the linked objects data table. |
getId() | Retrieve the table id or table id name of the linked object. |
getInt() | Retrieve the integer value of the linked object. |
getInts() | Retrieve the integer values of the linked objects data table. |
getLink() | Retrieves the data stored inside of a linked objects table. |
getLinks() | Retrieves grouped data stored inside of a linked objects table. |
getName() | Returns the "string" name value of the linked objects table. |
getObject() | Retrieves the data stored inside of a linked objects table. |
getParent() | Retrieves the parent object which contains the linked object. (only game objects contain no parent) |
getPath() | Retrieves path (directory in unix format) of linked object. (images, videos, sounds etc) |
getPaths() | Retrieves multiple paths (directories in unix format) of linked object data table. (images, videos, sounds etc) |
getPoint() | Retrieves the x,y coordinates associated with the linked object. |
getPoints() | Retrieves multiple x,y coordinates associated with the linked objects data table. |
getProperty() | Retrieve various operating system (os) properties; such as: platform, system language etc... |
getSoundId() | Retrieve id of linked sound. (only applicable for active sounds) |
getSoundProperty() | Retrieve various properties of linked sound, such as: current playtime, balance, volume, loop. (only applicable for active sounds) |
getSteamAchievement | Retrieve boolean value of linked steam achievement. |
getSteamStat | Retrieve integer value of linked steam stat. |
getTexts() | Retrieve all texts associated with the linked object. |
getTextStr() | Retrieve a specific text string, based on the current game language or the included language id. |
getTime() | Developer command for checking time between 2 points; can be re-purposed into a crude delay or loop function. |
getVolume() | Retrieve volume levels for: music, sound, speech, videos, & master. |
getWindowBrightness() | Retrieve global window brightness value. |
isEmpty() | Returns true or false; depending on whether or not the linked object is empty. |
registerEventHandler() | Create loops, listen out for various events; such as mouse actions, action/text started/stopped etc... |
registerHookFunction() | Set displayed & action text positions. |
resetSteamStats() | Reset the linked steam stat back to its default value. |
setCursorPos() | Set the absolute position of the mouse cursor. |
setSoundProperty() | Set the properties of a linked sound, such as: current playtime position, balance, volume, loop (requires sound id) |
setSteamAchievement() | Set the boolean value of the linked steam achievement. |
setSteamStat() | Set the integer value of the linked steam stat. |
setValue() | Edit value of the linked object. (all data types) |
setVolume() | Adjust the volume levels for: music, sound, speech, videos, & master. |
setWindowBrightness() | Adjust the global window brightness value. |
setWindowTitle() | Set a custom title in the window application bar (only applicable for window mode) |
startAction() | Call & start the linked action. |
startAnimation() | Play the linked animation. |
startDefaultBrowser | Launch default web browser & open the linked url in a new tab. (only launches browser if not already open) |
startSound() | Play the linked sound; additional properties can also be set such as: current playtime position, balance, volume, & loop. |
stopAction() | Stop the linked action. (only applicable for active actions) |
stopAnimation() | Stop & unload the linked action. (only applicable for active animations) |
stopSound() | Stop the linked sound; requires sound id. (only applicable for active sounds) |
toggleSoundPause() | Toggle linked sound between playing & paused state; requires sound id. (only applicable for active sounds) |
unregisterEventHandler() | Unregister the linked event handler & function. |
Workflow Functions
Function Name | Description | By |
alignChar() | Quickly align a character to another character. | AFRLme |
alignObj() | Quickly align a character to a scene object. | AFRLme |
changeOutfit() | Quickly change the outfit of a character. | AFRLme |
changeScene() | Change to another scene with a specific transition effect over a specified amount of time. | AFRLme |
checkCond() | Quickly check the boolean value of a condition. | AFRLme |
isInRadius() | Quickly determine if mouse cursor is inside of a specified radius of an objects center or characters position. | AFRLme |
langVisibility() | Quickly fade in all scene objects containing the active language name, & fade out all scene objects containing other language names. | AFRLme |
moveObj() | Move an object from one position to another over x amount of milliseconds. | AFRLme |
objName() | Return the action text name of a specified object (returns active language name). | Sebastian |
objVisibility() | Quickly update the opacity of multiple scene objects, duration & easing are optional. | AFRLme |
resetAnimFrames() | Quickly reset the specified animations current frame range back to the default animation frame range. | AFRLme |
setAnimFrames() | Quickly set the first & last frame of an active animation. | AFRLme |
setAnimSize() | Quickly set the size of an active animation. | AFRLme |
setCondition() | Quickly set or toggle the boolean value of a condition. | AFRLme |
setConditions() | Quickly set or toggle the boolean value of multiple conditions. | AFRLme |
setLang() | Quickly set the spoken language & subtitle language. | AFRLme |
setSceneBrightness() | Quickly set the brightness/contrast level of a specific scene or the current scene. | AFRLme |
setVal() | Quickly set the integer or string of a value. | AFRLme |
updateData() | Quickly update multiple data types via a table & the function. | AFRLme |